Welcome to day two of Reader Interviews, a monthly feature here at Let Me Tell You a Story! Matt is an all-around great guy who loves to read, write and blog YA. (If you missed part one of Matt's Reader Interview, click HERE.)
Matt with Stephenie Meyer |
Continuing where we left off... What is your favorite book
cover of all time, and why?
HARD QUESTIONS. As an artist, this one's a toughie. So I'm going to cheat and
give more than one answer...
I'm gonna go with The Clockwork Princess, because it's
BEAUTIFUL!!! It reflects the Victorian era in which the series takes place and
it displays the mystic beauty of Tessa. And the cover is STROKABLE. Plus, if
you open it up, there's a family tree of shadowhunters on the inside.
Mind=blown. Just kidding, I had one answer after all. (But I'm also in love
with the Grisha trilogy covers).
How about favorite title?
I hate picking favorites
because I feel like I'm betraying my other precious lovelies. But ALL of Tom
Clancy's books have epic titles! If you look them up, you'll feel satisfied
just reading them all off.
I know you also love to
write. If you could ask your favorite author one question regarding the writing
process, what would it be?
WITH ME??? And when I say 'with me' I really mean sit back and watch you work
your magic while I stand in awe, contributing a few cool sounding words here
and there.
Most recent book that made
you laugh:
I actually read over
something in my novel, and I laughed hysterically. Does that count??
Name one character you
would never want to be stranded with on a desert island.
President Snow. Because
he'd irritate me to the point of murdering him. Then I'd feel bad for killing
an old man. (First thing that came to mind).
What merits a book making
its way onto your personal favorites list?
If it's well-written, if
I can relate to the characters, if the characters are believable and real, if
the plot pulls me in, if it makes me feel satisfied at the end, if I get
emotionally attached to characters, if it makes me want to advertise it to the
I like to say I
"initiate" all of my books into the family by spilling coffee, chocolate on them, or
both. Is there anything that you enjoy eating or drinking while you read?
Chips and salsa. But I
always get salt between the pages...
E-reader, paperback, or
I prefer owning
hardbacks, but paperbacks are more comfortable to read. I tolerate E-readers in
desperate situations.
Have you read any books
recently with low expectations that ended up rocking your socks?
The Fault in Our Stars!!! I thought it would be a
cute love story but WOW!! So much depth. Also Across the Universe by Beth Revis! I started reading it before I
went to bed (big mistake) and I literally stayed up ‘til 4:30am devouring every
page. It was spectacular and I wanted more when I finished. (READ IT FOLKS.)
If someone borrowed your
books, what would be the first thing they'd notice?
They're in perfect
condition. Okay, that's a total lie. They have signs of love and lots of
reading on them.
Have you ever read a
character so entertaining, you actually wished you had a friend like that in
real life?
URIAH (from Divergent). He is 100% me, and I've
always wanted a friend like me. My twin brother is nothing like me.
A lot of readers save
their favorite quotes (my middle daughter has tabs stuck throughout a lot of
our books). Do you have one you'd like to share?
"We accept the love
we think we deserve." -- The Perks
of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky
It's profound. And it's
a flaw we all possess.
Dystopian, sci-fi, or
Dystopian. I own more
dystopians than anything else. (Plus, I kind of wrote one).
Last, is there a
book-to-movie adaptation not yet in the works that you would love to see
happen? If so, why?
Across the Universe by
Beth Revis. HANDS DOWN. But it would have to be EXACTLY LIKE THE BOOK. Because
it's perfect the way it is. That is all.
Thanks so much for being
here today, Matt, and letting us pick your brain! :D
But wait... Matt isn't finished yet... he added HIS OWN question! ;D And here it is...
What is
your favorite novel of all time and why?
Bridge to Terabithia by Katherine Patterson. It has
adventure and discovery, love and friendship, magic and imagination, brilliance
and depth. I read it when I feel sad. I've practically memorized it. It's
precious to me. Everyone should read it AT LEAST once.