
Well it happened.

I knew it was going to eventually, and with everything going on around here, I just didn't make the time I should have to prepare myself better.

A couple of days ago, Lovemuffin and I were hanging out with a friend of his - having a normal conversation about nothing in particular, and then...

He asked what my book was about.

To which I said, and I quote -  "Uh,'s about, well, this girl...well without giving too much away...uh...and then..."

DUH.  *insert my head between a rock and a hard place here*

Luckily this guy was a super-nice one, and he had the decency to tell me -  "Well let me know when it comes out..." (which, as all writers know, is such a remote possibility right now anyway - but I am trying my hardest to keep the dream alive!).  That was so nice, right?

But that question got me thinking.  As writers, we're so busy writing and working on queries, researching books and articles online (and of course trying to figure out the perfect synopsis to write up), that sometimes the part of the "book" which actually involves the reader (the very most important part, might I add - and part of the reason for my dream at least - to share my story with others) gets pushed aside for other pressing matters.  

Now obviously I know what I'll Love You Until  is about - I've been writing for months and have thousands upon thousands of words on the computer and on paper.  But I'm wondering how other writers do it.  How much do you all share (without giving the entire plot away - or does that matter to you?).  How long did it take to write/figure out your own personal summary to use when asked this same question? (And while I'm asking questions, do you prefer a nice sweet white mocha...or something a little more plain, like caramel or simply just plain ol' coffee?)

Later that day while talking to Lovemuffin, I laughed at having drawn such a blank, and mentioned that maybe I should just print out the very vague synopsis which has been posted on my blog  ( ) and memorize it.  (He thought that was a great idea.)  

But I'm still curious to know what everyone else does.  Anyone care to share?  

Always sharing my love of life, writing and coffee -

coffeelvnmom (Jessica)

 PS - If you haven’t taken a stroll over to the **Bookstore Poll** here on my blog, please do - the poll ends in a few days and I could use as many opinions as possible! =)


Kristen Torres-Toro said...

Hey, Jessica!

I definitely struggle with this too! One thing that has helped me was writing my query/proposal. Now when people ask what my book is about, I recite the opening lines of my query letter! That also makes for a great test to see how great your query is (if it sparks interest)!

That's all I've got. Usually I just do that or wiggle my eyebrows and say something that I hope sounds both mysterious and enticing.

It's nice to meet you!

Jessica L. Brooks (coffeelvnmom) said...

Thank you so much for your comment Kristen!

I wish I could send the link to this post all over blogspot just to hear everyone's opinions! And hey if you have 30 seconds, would you mind doing the poll on my blog? I'd really appreciate it! (For more info - here's my post that goes with it - but you don't have to read the post to do the poll!)

Margaret Tanner said...

Memorizing your synopsis, that would be quite a feat if it is a long one. A short blurb or caption is the way to go. Doesn't take up much time, gets your point across and it is easy to remember.
I have blurbs and captions for all my novels.


Manolo Blahnik shoes said...

Blog is so pretty..

Manolo Blahnik shoes said...

competitive blog....

Anonymous said...

I always say "it's a humorous mystery," and leave it at that. If I could ever get it done, I might think about query letters, etc, but right now, I just want to finish for me.

Sierra Godfrey said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog and for your comments Jessica!

What I tell people is the hook of my novel. This is the element I have in my opening chapter: Girl proposes to boyfriend in front of the crowd at a wedding reception and it doesn't go well. At this point, people usually go "Ooooh" or a flat "Oh." If it's the interested Ooooh, then I elaborate.

Jessica L. Brooks (coffeelvnmom) said...




sim only plans said...

yes its true...look to be good