#ReadingCram: Top Ten Books I Read in 2013 + #giveaway

Hey all! I'm participating in Dana and Jenny's (from JuliababyJen's Reading Room) #ReadingCram, which means a post and a giveaway, celebrating the last reading cram of the year!!! My post is Top Ten Books I Read in 2013. This was a hard one, because I've read a lot of good ones. I decided to narrow it down a smidge by choosing books that stuck with me long after I'd read them (for whatever reason, as long as it was a positive one), and after a long debate, I still had twelve books (because I can NEVER make up my mind *cries*). That problem was solved, however, when I used this widget, because it knocked two out. So I left it that way, because it decided for me!!! :D
 photo 74213c5d-20bc-49ac-b730-e9a620f4f3ed.png
So that's... 
Revolution by Jennifer Donnelley
I Capture the Castle by Dodie Smith,
Hourglass by Myra McEntire
Rose Under Fire by Elizabeth Wein
False Memory by Dan Krokos
The Runaway King by Jennifer A. Nielsen
The Sea of Tranguility by Katja Millay
The Summer I Became a Nerd by 
Jellicoe Road (Or, On the Jellicoe Road, depending on where you are) by Melina Marchetta.

As for my reading challenge... I think I got a book in the mail and started reading that instead of one of the ones I mentioned I needed to read. :| (But I'm reading! And that's what counts!

And now... for the... GIVEAWAY!!!!

I'm giving away either an eARC of my upcoming book, If I Speak True, or a Pity Isn't An Option ebook, and a $10 Amazon gift card! (Hoorah!) Make sure you check out all of the other #ReadingCram posts and giveaways going on through December 22nd, HERE!

Enter the rafflecopter below! 

a Rafflecopter giveaway


juliababyjen said...

The Runaway King is so good! I love that series!!

Here's my list

Yuska said...

Please check out my list here


Coffee, Poems, and Other Inspiration said...

Go see my list here: http://orangeowlsandbooks.blogspot.com/2013/12/read-thon-day-3-challenge.html

world4anna said...

Here's my list.

Unknown said...

Here is mine: http://justyouraveragereviews.blogspot.com/2013/12/readingcram-read-thon-day-three.html?m=1

Cyn @ Bookmunchies said...

I just started Rose Under Fire not too long ago, & am liking it so far!

Here's my list: http://www.bookmunchies.com/end-of-the-year-2013-readathon-day-3-challenge/

Think said...

My Top 10 Books at Thinks Books!

Melanie said...

Here's my list: http://christianbookshelfreviews.blogspot.com/2013/12/readingcram-read-thon-day-three.html

Jessica L. Brooks (coffeelvnmom) said...

juliababyjen: Oh man, yes, I cannot WAIT for the third installment in that series!!! Not to mention TFP to be a movie! YAYYYYY

Cyn: It will kick your booty. With emotions. Whew. So good. But allllll the feels!

Sally@Always Lost in Stories said...

Great list! I loved Revolution so much (but I read it last year so it doesn't count on my list).

Here is my top ten-

Diamond said...

I love this challenge! Here's my list :)

Sara said...

Some awesome books on your list!
Here are mine: http://inkandwriting.blogspot.com/2013/12/reading-cram-day-3-top-ten-books-of-2013.html

Unknown said...

Check out my blog Top Ten: http://bookchick2013.blogspot.ca/

Abbi Hart said...

Here's my list! Sorry it was so late I couldn't decided and then we got busy!

Pamela D said...

I haven't read any of the books on your list, but now I have to check them out! Here is my list:


Kate said...

Thanks for hosting!

Here is my list.

Unknown said...

I love Melina Marchetta and On the Jellicoe Road is currently my favourite of hers!

Here's my list: http://piecesofwhimsy.blogspot.com.au/2013/12/challenge-3-4-update-end-of-year-read.html

Jessica L. Brooks (coffeelvnmom) said...

You guys are sharing so many books I haven't seen/read yet! YAY!!!!