This week's writerly news (including an awesome find for my personal library)


The girls and I, after getting new carpet last week.

Whew. It's been a crazy couple of weeks. I'm still trying to come to terms with what happened on Arrow Wednesday night, not because I didn't expect what happened to happen eventually, somehow, but because of the *way* it happened. I mean, wow. This was Lovemuffin and I when it happened:

Anyway. Here's a quick breakdown of the most recent happenings:


Both the #JLBgivesawayaDVD (Freaky Friday giveaway) and the BY SUN AND CANDLELIGHT giveaways end in just a couple of days... click the links below to enter before the time is up (and remember, you can enter daily!!!):



Also, I am so, so excited about next month's #JLBgivesawayaDVD (it'll be up on the 5th). It is such a great movie, and the guy who stars in it is who I see as Rowan! (That's a perk--a big one--but really, it is a good movie, too.) 

Around the interwebs 

** Rachel at The NerdHerd Reads is celebrating her birthday blogaversary by asking, What makes you part of the NerdHerd? I thought about my answer for a while, and ended up coming up with something pretty simple.

** I have a new post up at Operation Awesome: Write What You Want 


Loved this "drop" the best, as I got to leave a book
next to my favorite book at the orthodontist's (it's hilarious)!

#RocktheDrop was super fun! I posted photos to my Instagram account as I ran about, dropping books around town. Some people gave me the eye and I'm sure more than one person wondered why I was setting books down, taking a photo, and running off, but hey, that was the whole point! :D (A big thanks to my freshman, too, for helping me drop and run!) The only part I kinda don't like is not knowing where the books end up (I'm nosey like that), though one of my daughter's friends told me her brother went and picked one up--YAY!

** The lovely Eugenia from Chasm of Books will be here Monday for April's Reader Interview, so come on back and show her some love! :)

** On my personal Facebook account, I announced that I am wanting to find some cool, retro cards to put in the books I loan out to people, and one of my friends found this. 

Owl Library Card

Isn't it perfect? The laurel wreath (just like the Flora series!!!), the owl... I am crushing on it so hard right now. AND am making them very soon. (My library late fee will probably be coffee or chocolate. I am brilliant.)

** Two of my wonderful book blogger pals, Ashley and Anna, did something really cool regarding Divergent. It was so well done that I just had to share it with all of you

** Last, I usually share my most recent (overly-eaten) snack, but instead I'm going to share a wonderful piece of advice I tweeted recently: 

Perfect info for the upcoming weekend, no? ;)

Have a blessed weekend, everybody! 


Eugenia said...

*Gasp!* those library cards are so cool! That is an idea I should totally take up when I lend out my favourites to my friends - it definitely makes it seem all the more 'professional' :)

Jessica L. Brooks (coffeelvnmom) said...

Yes you should!!! I love that you can just print it out at home! So cool!