It's #YASH time! *throws coffee bean confetti*
Welcome to the FALL '15 YA SCAVENGER HUNT. On this hunt, you not only get access to exclusive content from each participating YA author (that's 160 this year), you also get their favorite number. Add up the numbers, and enter the total for a chance to win a major prize. Every team will have a winner, and that winner will receive at least one book from each author on that team! This means there are EIGHT SEPARATE GRAND PRIZES of at least 20 books in each grand prize!!!! But play fast: this contest (and all the exclusive bonus material) will only last until noon PST on Sunday, October 4th!
A few quick things: If you get lost for some reason, no worries--just go to this link: YA Scavenger Hunt: Stuck? Each team AND all of the authors are listed there, so you can pick up where you left off. :) If you've never done this before but would love to participate, check out YA Scavenger Hunt: How to Hunt.
Directions: Somewhere below, you'll see that I’ve listed my favorite number (in pink). Collect the favorite numbers of all the authors on TEAM PINK, and then add them up (don’t worry, you can use a calculator!).
Entry Form: Once you’ve added up all the numbers, make sure you fill out the form here to officially qualify for the grand prize. Only entries that have the correct number will qualify.
Rules: Open internationally. Anyone below the age of 16 should have a parent or guardian’s permission to enter. To be eligible for the grand prize, you must submit the completed entry form by October 4th. Entries sent without the correct number or without contact information will not be considered.

And now for the author and book I am hosting: Lisa T. Cresswell, and THE COLOR OF WATER! Lisa is a professional archaeologist that writes fanciful stories for young adults. She lives in Idaho with her family and way too many furry pet friends!
THE COLOR OF WATER bonus material:
Everyone's heard of Blackbeard, right? The terrible pirate? Hollywood staple pirate character? But did you know that Blackbeard was a real person named Edward Teach? I remember as a kid thinking he was just a cartoon-ish character and being amazed to learn he was real. You can read all about him on Wikipedia. Born in 1680, he only lived to be about 35 or 40 years old because he was finally captured and beheaded in 1718. Perhaps because it was so long ago, he's become the stuff of legends? Even his flag is kinda creepy.
The ghost of Blackbeard is the main baddie in my new novella The Color of Water. He was such delicious fun to write, re-imagined as a modern day biker. Here's a sneak peek of my heroine, Samantha, unexpectedly seeing Blackbeard, aka Teach, on the streets of Beaufort ~
The summer sun was still hot enough to make me sweat, but it was cooling down as the shadows got longer. The rain had left steamy puddles along the sidewalks, but the sky was clearing just like Matt said it would. Seeing nothing unusual at the Queen Ann’s, I kept walking, turning down an alley to avoid all the tourists on Front Street. That’s where I saw them – a man and a woman having a hella fight in the alley. My heart jumped up into my throat when I realized it was Harley man – Teach.
I ducked behind a dumpster and tried to blend into the back of a building. It didn’t seem to matter to Teach and his lady friend because their screaming argument suddenly dissolved into a groping, kissing thing. I couldn’t stop staring at them. Teach’s beefy, tattooed arms wrapped the woman like an octopus’s tentacles, his fingers snaking through her God-awful, red-orange dye job. She didn’t seem to mind. She kissed him like she was starving and he was a steak dinner. After coming up for air, they stumbled back inside the building.
I saw the door was printed with ‘No one under 21 admitted’ as I hurried past. If he was going to kill her, he would have done it right there, wouldn’t he? I resolved not to tell Matt about it, since he obviously didn’t want me anywhere near Teach. I didn’t want to risk making him mad again. I picked up my pace, running a few blocks so I wouldn’t be late.
Check out THE COLOR OF WATER 5 different ways: at Lisa's website | Buy The Color of Water | Request it on NetGalley | Check out the Pinterest Page | Add it to Goodreads
Here are the books up for grabs for Team PINK:
Make sure you head over to Nicole Zoltack's to keep playing!
Also, IN CELEBRATION of the FALL YASH, I'm giving away all three books currently in the Flora series (paperbacks for a US winner, or ebooks for an INTL winner), plus a $5 Amazon e-gift card! Happy hunting!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
I'm looking forward to reading The Iron Warrior
There are way to many books I want to read, but I am looking forward to A Time To Speak.
not sure yet
Winter, #4 in The Lunar Chronicles!!
I really want to read Six of Crows!
I really want to read the Iron Warrior - it's gonna be so epic!
The new Courtney Alemeda book!!!!!
Six of Crows, this book sounds amazing!
I can't wait to read Six of Crows!
I'm waiting for Six of Crows *-*
I honestly haven't really thought about it lol. Usually I just try to read the books I have (my TBR is excessive). Unless something that I want super bad comes out. For example still waiting on another Patrick Rothfuss to be released lol. Thanks for the giveaway.
I'm looking forward to Manners and Mutiny by Gail Carriger
I'm probably MOST excited about Winter by Marissa Meyer (*squee*) but I have a whole stack waiting for me. ;)
The Rose Society by Marie Lu :D
I'm looking forward to reading Winter.
I am looking forward to reading The Rose Society, Illuminae, and Soundless.
I want to read Heretic.
The Suffering by Rin Chupeco or Reawakened by Colleen Houck
QUEEN OF SHADOWS!!!! <3 <3 <3
Omg, why haven't I already!? Why am I doing this to myself??? GAH
Thank you for this extra giveaway! Your books sound really good! :)
I really want to read White Rose, it's part of THe Jewel series.
I can't wait to read Carry On by Rainbow Rowell.
I am really eager to read Brandon Sanderson's new book. Of course, since it is Sanderson, I get this feeling a couple times a year.
Brandon Sanderson's book :D
Girl Online on tour by Zoe Sugg.
Megan @ reading away the days
I'm looking forward to reading The Body Electric!
I have so many on my list! I still have to read An Ember in the Ashes by Sabaa Tahir, I'm pretty excited about that one! Thanks for the chance!
I am most looking forward to reading the sequel to The Young Elites. I loved the first one and cannot wait to see what happens. Thank you for being a part of YASH!
Winter by Marissa Meyer!!!!
I can't wait to have that glorious book in my hands!
I'm dying to read The August 5 by Jenna Helkand
I'm most looking forward to reading A Madness So Discreet by Mindy McGinnis.
Most looking forward to read Queen of Shadows by Sarah J Maas :D :D
oblivion by jennifer armentrout
The Wrath and the Dawn! :D Finally reached your blog, Jessica, wohoo! (you can ignore my entries to the giveaway LOL). ♥
Six of Crows!
the next book in the lunar Chronicles... winter!
Illuminae by Amie Kaufman & Jay Kristoff and Black Widow: Forever Red by Margaret Stohl! Thanks for the giveaway.
aka Kim Waters
Why Not Me? by Mindy Kaling
Not sure which book but something from Judith Mcnaught! :) Thanx for the awesome giveaway.
This fall I'm most looking forward to reading The Martian. I hear it's good, and the movie is out now, so I figure I can read it before the movie hits DVD or cloud or whatever.
This is Kate Pierson, I am looking forward to reading Happily Ever After by Kiera Cass, but I joined this YASH to find more books to read :)
I guess Winter, but I have a whole kindle full of amazing indie reads I'm looking forward to as well. :)
Illuminae by Amie Kaufman!
Im excited to read the rose society!!
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