
Christmas Gift Ideas for Writers

AsaspiringwriterFrostywassomovedbyh.jpg An aspiring writer Frosty was so moved by his little friend's gift that he didn't have the heart to point out that his arms would never be able to reach image by jcdarezzo 

Not sure what to get the writer/s in your life this Christmas?  Have no fear - I've compiled a list of items any writer would love, to make your shopping easier!  (Fellow writers - feel free to add ideas I may have forgotten in the comments!)

 1)  Bookstore gift cards.  Writers love to read.  We don’t always have the time to do so, but most of us have a list of books we’d love to curl up with, if given the chance.  Being given a gift card to a bookstore is the equivalent to handing cash to a kid in a candy store, in my opinion -  because the possibilities are endless.  Not only can we buy books we’ve been wanting to read, we can also purchase other author's work for “research”, along with “how to” books, journals, planners, calendars, bookmarks, and much more – and best of all, gift cards work online as well!

2)  Laptop skins or covers.  Most people enjoy making a statement by personalizing their possessions, and a skin or cover can do just that and protect it at the same time!  Etsy has some wonderfully handmade items for laptops.  Check out skins here and covers (not only for laptops but also ipods, kindles and more) here.

3)   Journal/Notebooks.  Regardless of how many writers out there still use paper and how many have converted to computers, notebooks are still the most convenient way of jotting down spur of the moment thoughts and ideas.  Check out two neat journals here and here

4)  Subscriptions to magazines.  I've learned from experience that you can't find literary magazines at the local grocery store or supermarket.  Quite frustrating.  But you can find a list of them here.

5)  Voice recorder.  Compact and easy to use, a recorder can be a lifesaver, especially if the writer you know spends a lot of time in the car.  Cassette recorders start at about $20, while digital recorders start at approximately $40.  They're available at most office supply stores or places like Best Buy.

 6)  CDs or itunes gift cards.  Music is inspirational, and it can also help drown out noisy distractions.  I’m always looking for more songs to add to my ipod – and can actually point out certain pieces I’ve written and tell you the exact songs I had playing when they came to me!  And now that I think about it, music is also a great tool when trying to relax before another writing spell!

7)  A massage.  A shoulder/lower back massaging device (one that could be used in a chair would be ideal) or gift certificate to a favorite massage therapist would be appreciated, I'm sure!  After a while of sitting in the same position and hovering over a keyboard or notebook, our bodies tend to get a bit cranky.

8)  Caffeine.  I realize I’m a little biased here, because as you all know I cannot live without my coffee, but I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one who feels this way.  Coffee or tea (depending on what your particular writer drinks) is always a great idea.  Gift cards to the local coffee shops is one way to go (as they usually serve tea there as well) or purchasing a few bags of coffee beans or boxes of tea is another nice touch. Another idea is a coffee or tea club – Gevalia has one of my favorites.

9)  Mugs/teacups.  Now that I’ve brought up the caffeine, it’s the perfect time to mention the mug!  If you know of a particular thing (a specific color or theme) that your writer likes, a coffee mug or teacup is the perfect gift!  You can google "mugs for writers" or check out two sites  here and here.

10)  Fuzzies.  This might work more for a woman than a man, but I wanted to mention it anyway.  I love writing or editing with something fuzzy. A blanket or some warm fuzzy socks or slippers help keep me comfy when I'm in the writing zone.

11) Office Supplies.  Ink! Paper! Paper! Ink!  As you’re reading this post, thousands upon thousands of printers are spitting out pages, all over the world. (Okay the count is probably much higher than that – but I am not mathematically inclined, thank you very much.)  I can’t even begin to add up what I’ve paid for ink in just the past six months alone.  A gift card to an office supply store or box of white paper and/or toner would definitely be a welcome gift in any writer’s home or office.

Still not sure what to get the writer in your life?  Café Press has a variety of great writer’s gifts. 


Anonymous said...

An addendum to #9: spill proof, insulated cups, for those clutzy writers among us. I am a big fan of Contigo's.

Anita said...

Great ideas Jessica. :)

Jessica L. Brooks (coffeelvnmom) said...

Thank you:)

Shannon O'Donnell said...

What a super-great list! Thanks for doing all the thinking for me - gotta love that!

I love your profile name, "coffeelvnmom"! I wish I'd thought of it! :)

Sierra Godfrey said...

Love it. Love it. I want everything on the list!

Jessica L. Brooks (coffeelvnmom) said...

Shannon - no problem. Thought it would be a fun blog to do! And me too Sierra! LOL!