For me, the same few things come to mind each December as the year draws to a close. I need to start working out again. It wouldn't hurt to lose a few pounds. Maybe I should resolve to be more organized. Or maybe I need to practice letting things slide once in a while and occasionally just go with the flow. Do more activities with the kids. Plan more outings with Lovemuffin, things we can do as just the two of us.
The only thing I know for sure as I look into the future, is that I want the next step in this whole writing process to begin. I'm anxious, anticipating the results from editing, wishing I knew someone else - a non-partial person who could sit back and sift through my work with unbiased eyes and tell me that I'm either 1) truly ready to start querying or 2) still need to fine tune a few things - at this point either one would be fine with me, because it would mean progress, a push in the right direction.
But I don't have that - someone I can sit down with and talk to, or ask questions. (Not locally anyway.) I'm on my own here - learning from what I can find in books and online, learning by reading work of other authors - deciding for myself what I do and don't like in their writing, then comparing it to my own voice and my own work, respectively.
I'm pretty close to the timeline I set a couple of months ago and this is right where I wanted to be. So I'm thinking the best resolution for 2010 would be to continue moving forward. To push myself, keep the goals I've assigned to this project, set dates (not set in concrete, but dates nonetheless) to keep me going in the right direction.
These next few months might possibly keep or take away my sanity. But I'm going to be resolute - I'm not going to give up, no matter how discouraged I get. Because it's just like Dorrie (my favorite character in Finding Nemo) says - "Just keep swimming, just keep swimming...what do we do? We swim!" And I'm going to do just that. I'm going to swim along (even if it's upstream and difficult or frustrating at times), and push myself until I get to the next step, then the next one, and so on. I resolve to push forward and give this my all - to take a break when I get tired, ask for support when I need it, and ultimately, in a few months, (hopefully) have something new to report regarding "I'll Love You Until".
In the meantime, I plan to continue working on two new ideas that have been in my head (which is what writers are supposed to do, from what I understand - move on to the next project, while waiting on the process of the previous one).
So there you go. My resolution for 2010. What's yours?
They say that by working on the next idea, you continue to grow as a writer. Then, when you look back at the previous book, you see ways to improve it. Plus, I've heard that it's good to have a second book ready when you query someone - just in case they ask if you have anything else.
For me in 2010? I'm going to polish and push three proposals out into the publishing world while starting fresh on another novel. (And collect random ideas for the one after that)
I think your plan to keep writing and anticipating results is a good plan.
Your desire is strong and your flame is burning strongly.
By the way, I wonder if a book club would read your book to give you feedback. I'm sure you could find one via the library; a group that can be objective.
I guess it may be expensive to print copies of your manuscript though. Hmmm....
Good luck to you Candee with the proposals! (And what you said about the first novel compared to the second totally makes sense.)
Anita - that's a neat idea. The only problem is, I'm weary of the story line getting out, because obviously that would take away from the plot quite a bit. I wonder if I could make them sign a contract...LOL You've got me thinking of new ways to go about this now though. Thanks for that! =)
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