This week in Wanless...

Happy Friday, everyone! Quick week recap in the Wanless world (that's the fictional town Jonas and Hattie are from) and some news...

1) PITY ISN'T AN OPTION is free on Smashwords until tomorrow, due to the Read An Ebook Week. (link)

2) Tuesday I shared both Hattie and Jonas' theme songs for PIAO (Pity Isn't An Option). (link)

3) Wednesday was PIAO's BIG COVER REVEAL over at Hafsah's blog, IceyBooks. (link) SHE IS AN AWESOME BOOK COVER DESIGNER. (Also, she's hosting a giveaway and I will be sending a very special piece of swag to the winner--can't tell you what it is other than to say it has to do with Jonas and Hattie and it's... blue. So feel free to enter!)

4) A bit of new news... Jenna (@CoffeeBooksMe) at Coffee, Books & Me (rather appropriate place for a book by me to be, don't you think?) announced her open sign-ups for PIAO's official book blog tour (Yayyyyyy... it's so exciting to get to say that!) coming up on March 18th. ;) The spots are filled, but feel free to head over there and have a look-see! (link)

5) PIAO will be available to order IN PAPERBACK next week! Wahoo!!!! I will post an announcement and add something to the sidebar over there -----> when it's ready. UPDATE: That was fast... it's available on Amazon for purchase!!!

6) Lovemuffin's cousin has a cousin who has a... (just kidding. Ha ha. Only two cousins.) recently came out with an album, and he was announcing it on Facebook the other day, sending people to check it out on itunes. It reminded me that though a lot of us in the writing world are continually saying "don't forget to rate and/or review books, it makes a difference" to everyone (it really does), this action would also greatly benefit other artists, like musicians. So remember that, when you're ordering online. One click can put someone's work in front of new eyes! Your fingertips hold a lot of power!

7) I've officially added buttons on the sidebar... so you can find me easier! I would love to reach 50 likes on Facebook before the blog tour, so if you haven't found me yet, I'd love to connect with you!

8) It's raining! :) I love rain, guys! It's the perfect weather to start out the weekend!

Have a blessed one!


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