Ten questions (and ten answers!) Or: I've been tagged!
My nerdherd pal Tabitha tagged me in the Liebster Blog Award tag a while back and I'm finally getting around to doing it! I'm kinda glad that she changed her questions, though, because
a) I don't even want to THINK about snacks (doing Whole30 right now--wahhhh)
b) figuring out my own life quote probably would have taken ten years. Anyway. Here's her Qs and my answers :D (Thanks for tagging me, Tabs! *all the hearts*)
1. Best writing space?
Well, I have to write in my office on the comp, so my office. Though if something strikes me I usually write it on whatever I can real fast or say it to my phone... which usually results in it making absolutely no sense because, apparently, I don't annunciate well enough for iPhone's voice text.
2. If you could have dinner with any author, alive or deceased, who and why?
Geesh. Dodie Smith, maybe? Or Melina Marchetta. Probably Melina. I'd have so many questions!
3. Favorite way to procrastinate when you should be writing?
Social media. (I have a problem.)
4. In less than 20 words, describe your current wip.
California. Cars. Construction. Cali. Chance. Callum. Confusion. Catchphrases. Conversations. Contemplation. Crying.
5. If your favorite writing genre didn't exist (GASP), what would you write instead?
Well, I write dystopian and magical realism and contemporary, but I guess my favorite is dystopian. So... I'd write those other two, instead.
6. Favorite band to listen to while writing?
That changes constantly, but it's currently Sleeping at Last. *swoon*
7. Morning writing or night owl scribbler?
Actual good writing, morning. Jotting down randomness that will be turned into writing, nighttime.
8. Favorite friendship in a published book?
Maddie and Julie in CODE NAME VERITY. *bawls*
9. If you could write a book to capture the heart of a song you love, the song is?
INTERMISSION or FROM THE GROUND UP by Sleeping At Last. (Both are on writing playlists for my two women's fic books coming out next year.)
10. When the movie of your book gets made, who's the dream cast?
Well, with THIS TOO SHALL PASS (AND OTHER PHRASES THAT I HATE), which comes out next spring, I've only "cast" a few people so far. (Here's that Pinterest board.) But I *do* have the casts already for the Flora and Cozenage series--you can check them out, HERE.
That was so much fun!!! :D I now tag Cheyanne with these same questions (and that's it, because I'm really not sure who else would want to do this and everyone else has already been tagged. Though if you want to do it, tell me in the comments, and I'll tag ya!)
blog tag,
liebster award,
![]() ![]() Meet Jessica. Lover of all things coffee. Affinity for owls. YA author. Booknivore. Her debut novel, PITY ISN'T AN OPTION (Cozenage #1), and the Flora series are available now. |
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