The Soundtrack to Your Heart

No, this isn't a late Valentine's Day post. Last night I realized I'd never mentioned the two specific and incredibly talented people who inspired so much of Wanless and Jonas and Hattie, and their story. And I thought, why not talk about their music, and how well they conveyed moods and storylines without using a single word?

I'm not sure if any of you have ever seen the movies Keith or Remember Me (both for the older YA or adult crowd, for my younger readers out there--Ugh, Keith just... ugh. Jesse McCartney was so great), but the original score soundtracks blew me away. If there was ever, EVER an opportunity for anything to do with Jonas and Hattie's story, I would be absolutely head-over-heels crazy-amazed to have Tree Adams (Keith) and/or Marcelo Zarvos (Remember Me) be a part of it. Their music really moved PITY along. Talk about talent!

I wasn't sure how to share anything on here without dealing with copyright issues, so I decided to give you links to preview the score soundtracks yourself. Take your time to listen and get a feel of the emotional state of the settings and/or characters!


Remember Me

So, what do you think? For me, it was as though Hattie and Jonas' hearts were speaking through those songs; as though their emotions and feelings and the way they saw things were came right through the notes and latched onto my own heart.  :)

How about you? Are there any instrumental songs that have inspired you?

Have a great three-day weekend, guys!

Be blessed,


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