
Reader interview with Kate Tilton, Pt. 2

Hello everyone! Here's part two of my reader interview with Kate Tilton (part one is here). Kate is a lover all things book-related. She also loves to work with and for authors, and hosts a weekly twitter chat (#K8chat) so readers and authors can connect. 

Welcome back, Kate! Now, on to the rest of the interview...

You say often how much you love to meet authors, and recently stated that you'll "drive for hours" as long as you have your GPS. How many states have you visited now in order to meet authors so far?

K8: Oh gosh. I’ve been to author events in Georgia, New York, Massachusetts, South Carolina, and North Carolina. Soon I’ll be adding Connecticut to that list. The longest drive so far has been to South Carolina from Georgia (around 6 hours). It is always totally worth it.

What do you love most in regard to the interaction process when meeting authors? 

K8: My favorite thing about author events is when authors remember me. Maybe it’s just me but when an author knows me like I’m a good friend it kind of makes my world. I really adore authors and I’m blessed to have met so many of them.

Is there anything you wish more authors did at their signings?

K8: Actually no. Most authors have been completely amazing at their signings. They let me hang around and take pictures, get books signed, and are all around amazing.

You recently attended BEA. I had no idea how involved it really was until I read your post about it. What, out of all of the amazing things there, was your favorite? 

K8: Meeting my favorite authors. Hands down. Someone actually told me at BEA that they hadn’t realized how much authors meant to me. As great as it was to visit NYC, see my best friend Victoria, and meet new people I am always blown away when I get to meet and talk to an author. (Obsessive, I know, but authors are SO COOL!) At BEA I was able to meet Richelle Mead AND DJ MacHale, two authors I never thought I’d have the chance to meet. Plus I got to see author friends Marie Lu, Andrea Cremer, and Victoria Schwab!

Is there a book you'd love to see adapted into a movie? (Doesn't have to currently be in the works.) What element would you look forward to seeing on the "big screen" most?

K8: The Legend series by Marie Lu! (There is talk already that Legend is in the works for a movie but until I see it I can’t get too excited.) I grew up with Day (Legend’s main character) as I have been a fan of Marie’s artwork before she published. I’d be most excited to see how Hollywood portrays Day because of how much he means to me.

What do you do with your books once you've read them? 

K8: If I own the book (and it is a physical copy) I keep it neatly on one of the many shelves of my room. My goal is to one day have all my books signed (because that would mean I have met every single author whose books are on my shelves).

Character preference: Would you rather create your own version of the characters in your head as you read, or see who the author envisioned as they wrote, and visualize them that way?

K8: This may be super surprising but I actually don’t visualize characters with much detail. I never really thought about that before until I read your question. Frequently I’ll find that I don’t recall many details about the physical look of characters. What sticks with me is the personality.

What is the first thing you read when you get a book? (Blurb, acks, etc.)

K8: When I pick up a new book I always read the back cover (book summary). If it is a book I have helped an author on I cheat and look at the acknowledgments first (I’ve been pleasantly surprised!)

If you absolutely had no choice and *had* to be a book character in order to survive (think some crazy dystopian future), who would you chose, and why?

K8: Day from Marie Lu’s Legend. Although Day isn’t superhuman he has a knack for surviving anything.

Book swag: Are you a user, or a hoarder? (As in, do you use your swag or set it aside so it stays in pristine condition?)

K8: Hoarder! (Don’t tell my mom! ;) ) I love putting book swag like bookmarks into my scrapbooks. Authors and books are such an important part of my life. Book swag lets me share that with the world.

In your age group (late teens to early twenties), what would you say are the three most popularly implemented ways readers find their next read? 

K8: For me I find books on Twitter and recommendations from authors/friends. I also do a lot of reading for my authors, beta reads, and book review requests.

Is there anything I haven't asked that you would like to share about your love for books/reading? If so, do share! :)

K8: Well I just launched this new book blogger group, Kate Tilton’s Book Bloggers. I would love to have more bloggers involved! I’ll be offering books for review, interviews and guest posts with authors, and anything else I think the group will be interested in! Sign ups are HERE.

Thank you, Kate, for a fun and informative chat! :) 

Kate Tilton has been in love with books for as long as she can remember. Kate believes books saved her life and strives to repay authors for bringing books into the world by serving as a dependable author assistant. A cat-lover and fan of many geeky things, Kate can likely be found curled up with the latest Doctor Who episode, plotting world takeover, or assisting authors and readers in any way she can. Kate is also a self-proclaimed Twitter addict. You will find her hosting #K8chat, her own creation, every Thursday night on Twitter from 9-10pm Eastern.
“My goal for the longest time has been to help authors. Make their life better because they make my life better. You are my rockstars.”
Need a visual? Check out my vizify profile.


Dahlia Adler said...

Great interview! I always love seeing things from multiple perspectives. And this is some serious reader dedication!

Unknown said...

Yay Dahlia! Glad you liked the interview. I'm a pretty dedicated fan. I'm glad that came across! (I worry I sound too "crazy fan" sometimes ;) ).

Rachel said...

Lovely post here, ladies! I'm always tongue tied when I meet authors, probably more so with them than with movie stars, lol! I've been to the ALA 3 times but I'd love to go to the BEA someday. Hope you meet your goal of getting all your books signed by the authors. Good luck! :)

Unknown said...

Thank you so much Rachel!

BEA was really amazing. I hope you get to go one day! I have yet to be to ALA but I'd love to go!

Thank you! I hope I can meet my goal too!

Jessica L. Brooks (coffeelvnmom) said...

Kate, I don't think you can *ever* be a crazed fan, as long as you don't show up at the author's house uninvited or anything! ;)

Thanks so much for doing this interview with me! *hugs*

Unknown said...

Haha! Good to know! ;)