February's reader is J, whom, like Madi, I actually first met on Instagram (isn't social media the greatest?) Howdy, lady! Thanks so much for doing this month’s Reader Interview! Let’s begin with a great question:
What’s your favorite book cover of all time, and what makes it so special?
Whether we want to admit it or not, I think we all, to some degree judge a book by its cover. (Some are just too gorgeous not to be drawn to.) If I'm going to pick a more dramatic cover, I'd probably have to say The Blue-Eyed General by Rebecca Inman. The entire cover is shades of blue and it has the main character Cecelia looking out into the city. I love the edgy, moody feel of it. It really compliments the story.
If I'm going to pick something simpler, but no less lovely, I'm leaning towards Significance by Shelly Crane (which just so happens to have the same cover models as the gorgeous original paperback covers for the Lux series by Jennifer L. Armentrout.) These covers are super simple, yet super stunning and I love that about them. They effortlessly capture the main characters' relationship and that's such an important part of this wonderful series. They are by far among my favorites on my shelves. The stories they contain are no less stunning than their covers!
Same cover models as the Lux series, huh? I love that you're mentioning books I haven't heard heard of... more to add to my TBR! :) NOTE: Significance is currently free on Amazon!
How about your favorite interior? (Font, design, ect.)
Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi. The original hardcover. What can I say? I'm in love with the cross-outs. The cover is black with "Shatter Me" sliced through in silver on the spine. On the front it reads "My touch is lethal." (which is crossed out) and underneath is says "My touch is power." I think it's such a powerful element. The book is very poetic and I feel like the cross-outs add a certain grittiness and help to further connect you to the protagonist, Juliette, as well as the story.
Is there a book you would love to see adapted into a movie that is not yet currently in the works? What element would you look forward to seeing most, and why?
I would probably start crying if Under the Never Sky was made into a movie. It is literally one of my favorite series ever. It's a dystopian, but it is so incredibly unique. I think quite a few of the elements could be difficult to work with, but there is also a lot of potential for it to be one of the best book to movie adaptations ever done. There is an energy source called aether in the series (it's kind of like extremely volatile blue lightning). I think it would so cool to see an aether storm play out on screen. There is also a host of very diverse characters. Aria is an awesome heroine, but while she's never really "helpless" she doesn't really start out like Katniss or some of the more "typical" dystopian heroines. She has amazing character development and I would be very excited about watching that. Maybe even more so than anything else. (Well, except for Peregrine perhaps.)
What is your favorite reading location?
My all time favorite place to read is on my bed with my gray blanket.
Ebook or paper?
Both! I love the feel of a paper book, but at the same time I love ebooks, because I can take lots of stories with me wherever I go!
Name a character you would hate to be stranded with on a desert island.
Cassia Reyes from Matched.
Go to page 84 of your current read. What does the third sentence say?
'Could be him,' he said to himself. 'Sort of thing he'd do.' - Ranger's Apprentice book 12: The Royal Ranger by John Flanagan
Tell us the most recent book that made you laugh:
The Royal Ranger. A couple of the characters are really witty and sarcastic. These books are hilarious! I love them :)
How about the last book that made you cry?
I've never actually cried over a book before (I really just don't cry), however, I was very, very close when I read Prodigy by Marie Lu. It's the second book in the Legend trilogy (which is totally awesome). The end of Prodigy KILLS though. It's amazing, but it really hurts. (Especially when you have about a year to wait for the next book to come out.)
Oh the pain of waiting for the next release! (I actually had a hard time with the end of Champion, too, but let's not go there right now...)
Name a book you didn’t think you would like, but ended up being pleasantly surprised by.
Let the Sky Fall by Shannon Messenger. I just didn't think I'd be thrilled about it, but I fell in love with it. It's funny, well-written, creative, and an all-around great series!
And last (for today), if you could meet one author and hang out with them for an entire day, who would it be, and why?
I'd actually want to meet you! I just get the feeling that we'd have a lot of fun! I really love your books and we also share a love of coffee and foxes.
Aw, shucks, girly! I'd love to meet you, too. We could discuss allll the bookish things! One day! It *will* happen! :)
Well that's all of the first part of J's interview... check her out at the locations below and come back tomorrow for part two! :D
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