Summer is the only time Maddie lets her real self out to play, but when she slips up and the adorkable guy behind the local comic shop’s counter uncovers her secret, she’s busted. Before she can shake a pom-pom, Maddie’s whisked into Logan’s world of comic conventions, live-action role-playing, and first-person-shooter video games. And she loves it. But the more she denies who she really is, the deeper her lies become…and the more she risks losing Logan forever.
Author: Leah Rae Miller Release Date: Apr. 5, 2016
Genre: YA Romantic Comedy
Dan Garrett has become exactly what he hates—popular. Until recently, he was just another live-action role-playing nerd on the lowest rung of the social ladder. Cue a massive growth spurt and an uncanny skill at taking three-point shots in basketball and voilĂ ...Mr. Popular. It's definitely weird.
And the biggest drawback? Going from high school zero to basketball hero cost Dan the secret girl of his dorky dreams.
A band geek with an eclectic fashion sense, Zelda Potts's “coolness” stat is about minus forty-two. Dan turning his back on her and the rest of nerd-dom was brutal enough, but when he humiliates her at school, Zelda decides it's time for a little revenge—dork style. Never mind that she used to have a crush on him. Never mind that her plan could backfire big time.
It's time to roll the dice...and hope like freakin' hell she doesn't lose her heart in the process.
Leah's Top Ten Favorite TV Nerds ATM
It happens every time. If I’m watching a TV show, I will automatically call the resident nerd my favorite character. Maybe it’s because I relate to them, those shy, smart underdogs. Whatever the reason, scenes featuring those guys and gals are always the ones I look forward to. So here, in no particular order, are my current favorite TV nerds!
Bernadette from Big Bang Theory – In a show where the entire cast are nerds, it’s hard to pick my favorite but Bernie stands out to me. She’s beautiful, headstrong, and so so nice. But she can shock you sometimes with that competitive spirit of hers.
Cisco from The Flash – The namer of supervillians and a possessor of superpowers himself. He’s adorable and wicked smart, not to mention the funniest member of Team Flash.
Ravi from iZombie – Once again, a wickedly funny nerd and super handsome to boot. I particularly loved that one time he didn’t ask a girl out because she’d never really cared to see Star Wars *gasp*.
Alice from The Magicians – Alice is the serious type of nerd. Super smart, even smarter than she gives herself credit for. And she can do magic which is pretty much every nerd’s dream!
Brian from Limitless – Brian is an outgoing nerd, but a nerd none the less. He loves doing arts and crafts to help solve FBI cases. He can whip up an elaborate chart or a puppet show in no time and it’s always entertaining.
Fitz/Simmons from Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. – This is a two for one, but it’s almost like you can’t include one without the other. Also, they belong together. I ship it so hard.
Felicity from Arrow – The tech member of Team Arrow, Felicity is adorably scatterbrained sometimes, but can always pull out a win for the team with her hacking skills.
Molly from Sherlock – Not what you’d call a traditional nerd, but I think she counts. She’s quiet and shy, but won’t take any crap from Sherlock which makes her awesome in my book.
Phil from Modern Family – Phil is that nerdy guy you knew in high school who now has a career and a family, but never changed his nerdy ways. When he gets interested in something, he becomes passionate about it which is a great defining characteristic of nerds.
Stiles from Teen Wolf – Oh, goofy Stiles. He’s the only member of the group that isn’t some mythical being and yet he holds his own. He contributes with his wit and detective abilities and I can’t help but cheer for him.
There you have it! Thanks for having me on the blog today! And if I forgot your favorite, let me know in the comments!
Thanks for the great list, Leah! :)
Now go check out Romancing the Nerd and tell Logan "hi" for me, everybody! ;)
About the Author:
Mother, wife, and YA author living on a windy hill in Louisiana. I love fuzzy socks, comic books, cherry coke, and brand new office supplies. THE SUMMER I BECAME A NERD released Summer 2013 and ROMANCING THE NERD released in Spring 2016 from Entangled Teen.
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Author Twitter: @LeahR_Miller
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Phil and Bernadette are perfect nerds!!!!!!
Cisco is my favorite, by far. :D
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