Progress Makes Perfect

confetti.gif confetti image by bltlioness

Da da dah da dah dah da dum, da dah dum da da dum dum dah dum dum....

Imagine me wearing a tall drum major hat (chin strap pulled tightly on my chin), and baton in my hand, marching proudly down the street.  Then add the song the band always plays, which I can't think of at the moment (too excited), but all you have to do is look at the way it goes up there on the first line and you should know exactly what I'm talking about.  (Or not.)

Anyway.  I'm celebrating.  *throws confetti*  Know why?  Because I'm halfway through the first draft of Flora, my YA WiP (for you non-writerly pals out there, that's short for "young adult work in progress").  Even typing the word "halfway" makes me excited.   

Coffee toast, anyone?

coffeefor2.jpg coffee for 2 image by Alikamou

Obviously I still have a long way to go, I am only half way done.  And it is only the first draft, with many rounds of editing to come once it's finished, but still.  I'm proud.  Proud of myself, proud for sticking it out.  Yay!

I'll be posting a blog later in the week about one tool that's helped me get this far.  But today, I'm just going to throw confetti every so often.  I'm having fun, enjoying my progress =)

Happy Monday everyone!


Anonymous said...

Congrats on the halfway, Jessica! Have a cup, and may the second half flow as smoothly.

Joanne said...

Tossing a handful of confetti your way, and raising my coffee cup in a congratulations toast :)

Shannon O'Donnell said...

Hurray! I'll coffee toast anything! :-)

Janet Johnson said...

Hurray! Progress is progress and should definitely be celebrated. :)

Summer Frey said...

Congrats! Halfway is awesome. Once you hit the halfway, it's all downhill, right? :-)

Charmaine Clancy said...

It's a great feeling when we reach our milestones in our WIP. Congratulations.

Jessica L. Brooks (coffeelvnmom) said...

Thanks everyone! And thanks for sharing coffee with me:)

We definitely have to celebrate reaching milestones...otherwise nothing ever feels finished (so many steps in the process) and it can be a downer;)

Susie said...

Yah for you girl! Keep it going...

Jessica L. Brooks (coffeelvnmom) said...

You're welcome Jen! And I am still celebrating;)

Susie, I'm on a roll, hoping it lasts at least a few more days:)

C.M. Villani said...

Congrats Jessica. Got to love those manuscript milestones. Its the only way you really feel like you're making progress most days. Keep up the good work.

Jennifer Shirk said...

Hey, that's great! The halfway mark is awesome!