The caption should read, "This is your brain on duh." (You'll understand why I brought this up a little later.)
I'm a sucker for a good deal. Months ago, before Thanksgiving, I came across a book at my local Marshall's. For those of you who know Marshalls, I'm sure you're aware that store is all about deals. (Think Ross, TJ Maxx, ect. if you've never heard of it.) The book had been marked down to four dollars (the original price on the cover said $19.99) so I skimmed through the pages, trying to decide if I should buy it. Was it something I needed? Like really needed? No. I was working on ILYU, and the temptation to start writing a different story before I was done with that one would be too much temptation. I ended up putting it back on the shelf.

Over the next few months as I walked through the store looking at new items, that book always seemed to find me, and it was never in the same place twice. I found in the kids' book section once, another time someone had thrown it in with DVDs, and about two weeks ago it had been stuffed between a bunch of stationery.
It became a thing, one of those conversations I had with myself every time I saw it. There it is again - it's still here! But do I need it???
Each time I decided that I didn't. Until... about a week ago. I passed the clearance shelf, and again, the orange and yellow cover caught my eye. Then, a yellow sticker drew me even closer. It was a dollar! Can you believe it? This twenty dollar book was now one dollar. Well that was that - no question - I had to buy it.
A book of two-hundred and twenty pages of writing prompts, complete with pictures, illustrations, great ideas. And at the end, there's even suggested reading to help get past writer's block... Did I mention that I bought it for a dollar?
Here are five prompts I picked out at random -
1) "Darn it, Amy, quit eating my pudding cups!"
2) While digging in a cereal box for the toy surprise, a child makes a grisly discovery.
3) A young woman loses her ability to speak, save for one word.
4) "This is University Hospital calling."
5) A man opens his mailbox to find an envelope containing a set of instructions.
This book is chalk-full of ideas. Prompts! Not to mention, quotes spread throughout the pages by other writers!
Like I said, I'm a sucker for a deal. And boy, was this the *best* deal ever. I've already been inspired to write things I never thought I'd write. This may become a weekly thing - me sharing a few with you guys on Wednesdays.
S0 where do you get prompts for your writing?
A few writing prompt websites/blogs I thought I'd share:
Lisa Romeo Writes (Sign up for her writing prompts in the left column - though I think it's just for the month of February!) (This blog has since moved, but there still are old prompts you can use.)
I'm so glad you bought that book. Seeing it 3 xs like that is a definite sign. Of course, I wish I'd seen it first. I'll have to see if there's a Marshall's near me.
Truthfully I don't think I've ever used a writing prompt before, well maybe in college. Now I just have imaginary conversations in my head.
I hadn't either. I don't use prompts to start things necessarily, but they make my mind wander, throw in ideas, scenarios I hadn't thought of before - it helps me explore a whole new frontier of my imagination! =)
First lines have never been my problem. I must have written a hundred of them. Follow-through is my problem, maintaining the enthusiasm. Well, that's *a* problem. As you know, I have many problems...
Ah, but Travener, you're going to work THROUGH those! =)
You couldn't pass that up for a dollar!!!
Great post! I'm so glad I found your blog. I love finding new writers to follow. :)
Sounds like you got a great deal on that book. I love playing "What if". Definitely help my creativity get rolling.
Lovely blog! I so like the owls! I've never met anyone who collected them. Cool!
I love writing prompts. Some of my best stuff comes from prompts.
PS&BTW, It was my computer after all.
Love the kitten picture. Too cute. Thanks for sharing it.
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