Before I get into the most recent news, a quick shout out to my fellow Arrow fans: How 'bout that season finale? I was missing all of the action, and a lot of things that had been left hanging were wrapped up (kinda), so that was nice. I know a lot of Olicity shippers were like this...
and then... something happened. The shippers at that point:
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What I'm most excited about though, is Flash, coming this fall. (For those of you who do not watch Arrow, Grant Gustin was in a couple of episodes earlier this season, setting up the show.) Here's the trailer:
And now, for a quick update...
** IF I SPEAK TRUE is finally available on iBooks (link) and available for Nook (link), too. (I will have a one-click button added to the sidebar over there --> shortly.)
Speaking of Nook and iBooks, there are a few reviews on Goodreads and a couple on Amazon (this goes for PITY ISN'T AN OPTION, too), but if any of you have a moment and can share your review also on Barnes and Noble or iBooks (or add your Goodreads review to Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or iBooks), I would really appreciate it. (Like I've said before, I would love to send some book swag as a thank you, so please message me if you want some!) A lot of readers *not* internet savvy never go to Goodreads, so sharing the reviews on other places is beneficial to authors, especially indies. :)
** Apparently, I wasn't thinking straight and offered to upload a video of myself soon. (Must have been low on my chocolate intake or something.) So... yeah. I will try to do one next week. *cringes at the thought*
** Coming up at the end of the month, my pal ST Bende (who writes about Norse mythology--think Thor kind of stuff) is celebrating the re-release of her book, Elkser, with an Elkser bash on Facebook. A few of us are showing up for a few minutes and doing giveaways and stuff, so here's the deets on that. (Quick note: Some of the authors write adult or new adult, so please be advised that some of the convos might not be YA appropriate, though my time slot and the following one--9:40 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. Pacific Time--definitely will be.)
If you'd like to check out Tur, ST's prequel novella to Elkser, the ebook is free everywhere (here's the link to it on Amazon).
In case you somehow missed it, I'm super-excited about this month's #JLBgivesawayaDVD, and totally think you should enter, because... Forever Strong. That's really all I have to say, because I love this movie. And Sean. Hee hee. (Giveaway link)
Around the interwebs
* This week I was at Operation Awesome talking about looking at our writing in a new light (link).
No new music to share, but I am back to making cold oatmeal again, since it's already triple-digit heat here, so I thought I'd share it. My favorite is the blueberry:
Have a blessed weekend, everybody!
I need to get back to cold oatmeal too...and I've only made blueberry so far.
So yum!
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