July's #JLBgivesawayanINDIE is not one but two of Nicole Zoltack's time travel standalones!!! As a BONUS, we're also giving away a DVD of the The Most Dangerous Love Story Ever Told (US only)! More about the DVD soon, but first, here's a little about Love Before Honor and The Test of Time:

Love Before Honor: Honor. Truth. Loyalty. Love. All of these matter most to Sir Gerald. To avenge his love's death, he challenges her murderer to a duel. Her twin, however, feels that Alice never loved Gerald and gives him a tea. Alice had also given him teas, which enhanced his love for her, but this tea is different. This tea sends him to into the future, to the Regency era.
Lady Vanessa seeks a Christmas treat when she hears something outside the manor. Upon investigation, she sees a man dressed in armor. Unwilling to turn away a confused man with the approaching holiday, she convinces her parents to house Gerald until the new year.
Scandal has forced her parents to accept William as their daughter's best chance at marriage. Although rich, he does not understand her or her love of books and only sees her for her looks, whereas Gerald listens to her, confides in her and she him. With the approaching holiday, nothing is certain - not whether Gerald can discover a way back to his duel, whether he can move on from Alice, and not whether this Christmas will be a happy one for either Gerald or Vanessa.
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Soon, Katia learns that this 1815 is different from the one in history books. Trapped in a parallel world, Katia struggles to not fall for Landon but his charm proves too much for her. Just when she is about to confess her love for him, Katia travels through time yet again.
The course of love never did run smooth and if Katia can’t figure out and master the test of time, she’ll never see or friends again, or worse, never be reunited with Landon.
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As mentioned earlier, not only are we giving away two time travel romance e-books, but we're also giving away a DVD of the ULTIMATE romance: Romeo & Juliet! Woohoo!
This #JLBgivesawayanINDIE lasts for two weeks, and is US only.
Here's the Rafflecopter! :D
don't have a fav
I don't have a favorite time travel book.
Ooo i dont have many time travel books read, this would be fun to read
My favorite time travel book is the Time Between Us by Tamara Ireland Stone.
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