As for news, this week has been pretty busy. I figured out the title to Flora Book 2 (come back Monday to find out), heard from my editor (work to be done, but I still very much hope to have If I Speak True out beginning of December), wrote quite a bit (if you've never done twitter word-sprint write clubs like #FridayNightWrites or #writeclub, you should!) and started on my amazing cover/site designer, Hafsah's gorgeous-o book, UNBREATHABLE. (Can't wait to finish it this weekend. And, she has a fan site already for it. Talk about awesome, right?You can check it out here.)
So since I'm a little late in writing today's post, I thought I'd just share a few photos to sum everything up. Ready? O-kay!
1) IF I SPEAK TRUE (Flora #1) fun:
2) Recent #amwriting note I'd completely forgotten I'd written until I found it:
Uh huh.
3) Here's a teaser Hafsah recently shared for her book, UNBREATHABLE, the book I'm reading now (and she's donating an ebook & some bookmarks for the #JLBBirthdayBash!--Yay!):
I know you want to read it yesterday now. ;) (It comes out in less than a month!)
5) Not the best picture, I know, but here are a few things that will be going into drawings for my #JLBBirthdayBash (more to come, including UNBREATHABLE and PITY ISN'T AN OPTION swag, and other stuffs):
So, there ya have it. Oh, and in case you missed it, my enewsletter will be starting up soon, so if you'd like to receive news and content before everyone else, here's the link!
Until Monday, be blessed!
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